Many celebrities grow up in a normal world, yet when they’re exposed to the fame that is available to them, their morals go out the window. Though millions of everyday people worship and idolize these well-known people, they usually end up being the furthest thing away from a good example. After looking over several celebrities, both big names and small, you will be shocked to see the comparisons of their shifting actions. The evil temptations that satan puts in our lives such as drugs, sexual immorality, alcohol, idolatry, and self image can corrupt and overtake one’s thoughts and mind.
In 2006, the Disney channel show “Hannah Montana” was first aired, attracting a whopping 6.2 million viewers. Miley Cyrus, the young, innocent girl who played Hannah, went from having the “best of both worlds,” to behaving as if she had experienced the worst of both worlds.
Miley Cyrus started as a silly actress, adored by young and old, and her music career started completely innocent up until 2009. Her lyrics were filled with care free thoughts of young love, freedom, adventures, and other cliché themes that all young girls dream about. She even wore a purity ring to display her purity and Christian faith. In 2008, Miley said on television, "Live like Christ and He'll live in you, and that's what I want to do," she said. So what happened? Her relationship with her father was strong her relationship with God seemed to be evident, but soon Billy Ray Cyrus admitted that there was “no doubt” his family was starting to become ruined by satan.
From her sweet album "Breakout" to her raunchy album "We Can't Stop."
Who knows what started it. Maybe the popularity, the attention, the boys, the new friends, the desperate fans, but whatever it was, it drove the naive 15 year old to exhibit her rebellious side. In 2008 she posed nude for Vanity Fair. Was this the moment she decided that she wanted to live the wild, untamed life? Who knows, but from then on, everything went downhill. A year later, fans found her pole dancing at a Teens Choice Awards, which shocked everyone.
Maybe it was the drugs that finally made her break away from the little amount of morals she may still have had. Her introduction to twerking signified her sexual mind and opened up the door to her sexual actions later revealed. Her public nude pictures gained her a lot of attention- maybe that’s why she kept posting them, and started to show up on stage 95% naked. Her performances became beyond raunchy, and her reputation was shifted from a beautiful and sweet actress, to a vulgar, and on-edge singer.
It’s sad. It’s depressing. This use-to-be Christian girl, could’ve grown up to be a role model to all the little girls who look up to her now. Twerking would’ve never been created, and the bar of sexual performing wouldn’t have been raised at the level it is at currently. Her smile could’ve been famous rather than her classic tongue "smile," her singing could’ve been preformed without thrusting her vagina and getting half naked-and instead could’ve inspired many. But who can stop these things from happening? Nobody. It’s our sinful nature that thirsts for rebellion and the temporary pleasures and attention that can comes from everybody around us. All we can do is hope. Hope that she doesn’t go down the same path as Michael Jackson, Brittney Spears, Lindsey Lohan, Macaulay Culkin, Johnny Depp, and many other messed up and drug addicted celebrities.
It is clear to see that the celebrities who allow for the fame to enter into their heads, and begin acting differently, end up going off track...some more than others. Kristen McGuiness says that “one of the biggest problems with fame is that people cater to you and want to take advantage of you and they are willing to forgive a lot of bad behavior. People think of themselves as a famous person and not a real person.” This is what happened to Miley, and as a result, she is seen as an object of sex, and sadly, looked up to by many (who may be lacking a firm foundation in their life). However, it is sad to see how many of these celebrities end up living their precious lives, and I’m sure we can expect much more from this young girl in the future.